Tea provides many benefits to a person's health. In addition to providing a source of antioxidants that protects the body against cancers and heart disease, it also provides benefits in helping a person lose weight.
Tea has been consumed in many cultures for centuries to treat various ailments of the body, and people are becoming more informed about the amazing health benefits that tea provides. When a person who is overweight drinks tea weight loss can be enhanced. Here is an explanation of how that can be achieved.
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One of the antioxidants found in green tea is called catechins. When the body is engaged in physical activity, the muscles are working to burn fuel. The catechins direct the body to burn fat as the source for fuel. Thus, if the body has a lot of fat, a lot of fuel is available to feed the muscles. The muscles can work longer because they have longer endurance. As they work longer, more fat is burned.
This is one of the easiest ways to give your body a bit more of an edge as it is trying to lose weight. Instead of drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, drink a cup of tea instead. As you savor the cup, think about all the health benefits that you are feeding into your body.
During the day replace your cold beverage with a tall glass of green tea on ice. This will give you a boost in energy as your muscles continue to work and burn off fat. When you drink more tea weight loss can be enhanced.
You can get creative and mix green tea with a bit of lemonade for an extra kick. You will have a delicious beverage with all the green tea benefits in it.
Try using green tea in a smoothie. Make ice cubes from green tea and use those in your blend of fruits. As you experiment with different combinations of fruits and vegetables, you can come up with amazing blends.
You can see that it is quite easy to increase your consumption of green tea throughout the day. If you have been struggling with weight loss, this is one method that you can add to your weight loss regimen. When you drink more tea weight loss results can be improved significantly.
You can get tea leaves from a variety of sources. You can purchase tea that is packaged in individual tea bags for convenience, or you can purchase loose tea leaves from many Asian food markets or tea specialty stores.
The best way is to brew your own tea so that you will know the tea that you are drinking is fresh. It is important to note that sweetened green tea beverages which you find in the grocery stores may not be as beneficial to your weight loss efforts because the added sugar adds empty calories and defeats the purpose of weight loss. Pure tea offers you all the benefits without adding any calories.